I recently came across 4 very nice jQuery plugins for slideshows and galleries. Actually, I found a lot more, but those are my favorites: Nivo Slider (slideshow) jqFancyTransitions (slideshow) jQuery Cycle Plugin (slideshow) Fancybox (gallery zoom) I...

No-MVC Zend Framework: Filter Zend_Form input with HtmlPurifier
As my favorite Zend Framework guru Padraic Brady pointet out on his blog, most forms are just about an invitation for hackers and other subversive folks to (ab)use your forms, and PHPs "addslashes" or "striptags" just don´t get the job of...
No-MVC Zend Framework: Zend_Decorator and Zend_Validator
In the last article, we have already set some basic decorators for Zend_Form. The next one is a decorator for the label, appending an asterisk (*) to labels of required fields, and display error messages below the label instead of the field. In your "Form" subfolder,...
No-MVC Zend Framework: Zend_Forms, Decorator, Validator and Filters
Managing Zend_Form in both MVC and no-MVC environments has a huge advantage, since Zend Framework comes with a load of decorators (HTML to display form fields), validators (functions to check user input) and filters (functions to filter user input). If you look for an...
No-MVC Zend Framework: Rating Controller / Part VI
The controller is the most important part in this ZF tutorial. This is where most of the PHP code resides. It handles all input - coming thru the file receiving the Ajax rating - as well as all output - e. g. updating the rating scores. The only liberty I took not...
Google Maps Geocoding with JSON and PHP
When using maps on a website, Google is clearly the service to go with. If you are using JavaScript only, parsing a JSON response from Google shouldn´t be difficult, but how to use the response in PHP? In this article, I´ll describe how to use Zend Framework...
Converting a MySQL database to UTF-8
I just spent about 2 days to convert my old MySQL database from latin1 / latin1_general_ci to UTF-8 character encoding. There are about a gazillion pitfalls, especially when you work on old PHP code mixed with ZF code, on a live site of a client. The first tip is......
No-MVC Zend Framework: jQuery Ajax receiver / Part V
The jQuery JavaScript is up and running, but needs a PHP file to handle the Ajax data submitted by the rating script. This will be done with PHP in the receiver you defined in your JavaScript, named "rating.php" in the "public/includes" folder. It's important to put...
No-MVC Zend Framework: jQuery Star Rating code / Part IV
Now for the easy part: creating the page for our jQuery Star Rating plugin. It's going to be just a bit of HTML, JavaScript with Ajax components, and PHP. If you want to integrate the Star Rating in an existing page, you can just copy the relevant parts into any HTML...
No-MVC Zend Framework: Bootstrapping ZF / Part III
For this article, you should be familiar with at least the basics of Zend Framework, especially naming conventions. If not, check out the ZF site for beginners tutorials and/or Quickstart. If you don't want to use ZF at all, but still need the Star Rating with PHP and...